CorroGo has partnered with a variety of third party vendors FedEx, DHL, Kerry Logistics and other carriers to offer convenient, fast global shipping to more than 225 countries and territories for our customers. This is independent on the order value.
Title and risk of loss pass to customer upon tender of shipment to carrier.
FedEx is our primary parcel carrier, Kerry Logistics is our primary LCL and FCL carrier.
WWW.FEDEX.COM with deeply discounted shipping rates, is integrated in our website for convenient price checking and selecting. When FedEx option is not available for some custom products without exact weight prior to shipment, you can choose shipping on-hold and let CorroGo check on FedEx service later on when shipment is ready. FedEx option pops up only when you entered a valid zip code.
WWW.DHL.COM with deeply discounted shipping rates too, isn’t integrated in our website yet. You can contact us and use DHL service if that’s at your best convenience.
WWW.KERRYLOGISTICS.COM Kerry Logistics Network is a world leading supply chain solution provider. In 55+ countries and territories with presence allowing Kerry Logistics can do Freight Collect (AFC/OFC) locally when cargo arrives at your destination, transparently fair shipping rate and excellent service are assured.
Explanation of Shipping methods:
Whichever the shipping method you chose at check out, you are free to change it prior to shipping process. CorroGo service team will get in touch with you.
FOB/CIF (upfront on shipping)
Choosing FOB/CIF Upfront, you can decide to use whether our regular forwarder or yours, ship by air or sea, based on FOB or CIF. You can pay actual handling and shipping fee before shipping.
Kerry Logistics (postpay on receipt)
In 55+ countries, choosing Kerry Logistics Postpay, your cargo will be shipped by air or sea, and you can pay all shipping and handling fee to local Kerry Logistics when cargo arrives.
Choosing Ex-works/Pick-up in China, you can have your forwarder to pick up from a CorroGo warehouse or designated location in China. In fact there are 50% of orders that we can drop off shipping at your desired location in east south coast of China.
Choosing Pending/On-hold, you can place order first and decide on shipping method at anytime before shipping.