General Sales Privacy Policy
Last modified March 17th, 2021.
Last modified March 17th, 2021.
When you visit, with the help of our 3rd party authorized agents, we collect information (such as IP address, domain name, browser type, broad geographical information, site-navigation pattern, etc.) to improve our website and to refine our marketing campaigns and promotions. We do not gather any personally identifying information about you when you visit this site, unless you choose to provide such information to us.
You may request a disclosure report regarding your personal information and/or request that your personal information be deleted from our database. To make this request, please contact us here or email us at Please note, we take security measures to identify our consumers to a reasonable degree of certainty prior to providing any information or processing requests. CorroGo does not sell your personal information without your consent.
Our website often contains links to other sites to provide you with the best information. CorroGo is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites you may visit. If you have any questions about our privacy policies, please Contact Us by phone call or email at in Thank you for choosing CorroGo.